Family Support Work
Charity no. 285337
Founded 126 years ago a dedicated team of volunteers continue this good work in partnership with the Chichester Diocese. This charity supports children and families through difficult times in their lives. This may be helping to overcome a physical or mental illness or working with parents to resolve unemployment or debt problems. Requests for help come from GPs, health visitors, social workers and schools. The family is then visited by a qualified Worker, the situation assessed as to the temporary or long term need, and food and support provided to suit each case. This work is not connected in any way to the local Food Bank. FSW has listened to the diocesan response to supporting Syrian refugees and is making available its Workers in the settlement of Syrian refugees in Sussex.
The Eastbourne area now has a paid PLAY WORKER (started in January 2016). It is hoped that he can teach families to learn and communicate through play in their own homes.
The local team HAS opened a CHARITY SHOP in Cornfield Road Eastbourne volunteers and items to sell are still needed.